Monthly Recap: April 2024

Hey everyone :wave:

It’s been a month packed with achievements, and I hope you’re happy with the outcomes! We’ve put together our usual monthly recap with all the key updates.

Let’s look at what’s been done!

:fire: [NEW WIDGET]: Say Hello to Calculator!

6 Top features :top:

Other updates :rocket:

Our achievements :trophy:

Educational :man_student:

Thread of the month :star:

We’re always excited to see you jump into discussions, and it totally makes our day when you help each other out!

Recently, @Tamsen_Horton was a total star — she helped her friend to transform our Age Verification app to Terms & Conditions widget. Moreover, she created an outstanding video tutorial detailing every step of the process.

Guys, we’d really appreciate it if you could check out the Wishlist and vote for the ideas that excite you the most. Your feedback really helps us figure out what to tackle next.

And feel free to share your own ideas - we’re eager to hear what you’ve got! :slightly_smiling_face:



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