Monthly Recap: February 2023

Hello Elfsighters :wave:

February has come to an end, meaning it’s time to summarize our achievements :face_with_monocle:

New Features/Updates :rocket:

Other achievements :medal_sports:

Guys, thank you for sticking with us :heart:

We go all out to improve our service, but is there anything you’d like to be changed in the near future? You are very welcome to share any ideas :raised_hands:


Great stuff!

Question: How close are we to giving the calendar app the functionality of repeatable sequences and other features similar to Google calendar?


Thank you for your kind comment, and welcome to the community, @JC_Brushfire! :heart_eyes:

Great question! We have some good news regarding the request for more flexible repeat options, you can find it here in our Wishlist: More flexible event repeat options - #66 by Helga

Feel free to check out other ideas or offer your own ones, we’re always happy to hear from you and consider your suggestions :slight_smile: