4 tips to improve your Event Calendar widget

Elfsight Event Calendar widget comes packed with numerous impressive features that might be new to you. For this reason, we’ve put together a list of tips to ensure you fully utilize your widgets:

How to make an event recurring

Event Calendar app offers a bunch of cool features and one of them - recurring events. Want to see how it works?

Find the details in our article →

How to hide time in the widget

Looking for a way to remove time from your Event Calendar widget? That’s a breeze!

Find the details in our article →

How to dynamically change Event Calendar layout

Want to display a single Event Calendar widget in multiple layouts at once? Now you can do this!

Find the details in our article →

How to make certain filter selected by default

Ever wanted to automatically select a specific filter for your Event Calendar widget on your page? We’ve got a solution for you!

Find the details in our article →

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And of course, feel free to share your own ideas too!

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Register buttons allow for more registration options. Right now you can only add a link but would be good if registration was captured directly in the widget