Blog widget

Dear friends, we’re truly sorry that this thread has become so frustrating.

Undoubtedly, this wishlist was created for you to request features and widgets you need and share your ideas to help us navigate and prioritize things. And I assure you we take all popular requests into serious consideration.

However, it’s important to note that while votes on the wishlist can significantly boost the chances of a particular release (and in most cases they do), other factors sometimes necessitate prioritizing certain features over others. These include development complexity, compatibility with our infrastructure (where specific underlying improvements may need to be developed first to support a requested idea), and other major updates that are currently in progress.

As for the Blog widget, we’re finalizing the concept and moving to the design stage. But any ideas or thoughts regarding particular options you’d like to see are still very much appreciated.

We are dedicated to optimizing the process and speeding up the delivery of new features and widgets for you, and we do appreciate the feedback you share here :pray:t2:

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Thank you @Helga for acknowledging the frustrations. What would be helpful now would be to hear what you are currently considering in the Blog concept as a ‘straw man’ to work against. That would make it so much easier to be able to add any extra features or options to the list rather than starting from scratch. It would also be helpful for you or someone to acknowledge the misleading nature of the blog ‘marketing’ on the website that has left many of us feeling disappointed / mistrustful.

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Thanks for the update! We would love to pilot once it is available!


Awesome, thank you for your comment, @user12547, and welcome!

I’ll be happy to post here as soon as I have any news :slight_smile:

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Friends, I’m happy to say that the Blog widget has entered the design stage! I’ll keep you updated with any new developments :blush:


Is there a target delivery timeline for this project?

I’m afraid setting ETAs is not our strong suit ( :cry:), so we won’t set any expectations as yet. But I’ll be happy to share any concrete updates as soon as I have them :slight_smile:

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oh wow, this is epic. I can’t wait!


Beautiful - thank you for the update :pray:t2:


Any chance there is any new information since a month ago? :wink:


Hi @Olrik_Lenstra, happy to see you in our community, welcome!

The Blog widget is still in the Design stage now — but I’ll check to see if I can share more concrete details with you here next week :blush:

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This is a good idea and would solve many issues with website engagement. I hope to see this sooner than later.


Hello friends :wave:

We are super excited to announce that the Blog widget has been rolled out!!!

Find more details in our post - [NEW WIDGET]: Say hello to Blog widget! 🚀


Guys, important note: we’ve reviewed all your comments in this thread and added them to our Wishlist for further implementation. Please vote for the requests you need to see next, we’ll be happy to consider them first! :blush:

Blog Wishlist →


Seo blog question, will search engines crawl the blog/widgets when they crawl me site? Thank you.

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Hi there @MyContactAppDotCom :wave:

Yep, Blog pages are automatically indexed by Google, making them discoverable in search results and driving traffic to your site :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello Max… still a critical issue. Where can visitors leave their comments? This is what makes blogs popular. Blogs have this ability but this widget does not. This should just be a article library and not a blog.


Hi @Robbie_Shipman :wave:

This functionality isn’t supported at the moment. However, we realize its importance, and we’ll try to consider this option in the future updates.

We’ll keep you posted in this thread