Blog widget

On the basis of the Event calendar widget, create a Blog widget with features more compliant with blog post.
The widget can be embedded as infinite scroll grid wall o pagination for example.


Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 7

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Hello folks,

Thank you for submitting the idea!

We’re happy to say that we have added this very widget to our Coming Soon section, you are most welcome to check it here - Blog Widget - embed a support widget to your website! (2022).

And please, feel free to share any ideas or thoughts regarding the functionality you’d like to see in this widget - your contribution is highly appreciated!

Thank you :blush:


Original comment from Dylan Battaglia transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

Hi Dylan, and thanks a lot for your comment!

Much as we’d love to set an ETA for this widget, I’m afraid the timeline is unclear now :frowning:

But we’re doing everything in our process to speed up the process of developing new cool widgets.

Thanks a lot for your suggestions by the way, we’ll definitely take them under consideration when get to development.

Original comment transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

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Original comment transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:


We’re really grateful for all the comments you leave here and for your interest :pray:t2:

At the moment, I’m afraid we still don’t have specific info or date release for this widget, I’m really sorry for this :pensive:

I’ve drawn our dev team’s attention to this request, and meanwhile, you’re welcome to keep voting for this idea and leave your suggestions regarding the possible options here in the comments :slight_smile: We’ll be happy to consider them all.

Thanks a lot for sticking with us and for your help!

In Weebly, post previews are shown too simply, something like this would become much more interesting:

Hi Helga

Do you have an idea of the release date for the Blog Widget? Currently I use DropInBlog on my Thinkific website and their solution is far from perfect.

When I see your Landing Page, I’m sure your team will come out with a much more easy to use interface and better features.

Thanks in advance for your update :blush:


Hi @Yasmine1, and welcome to our community forum! :tada:

Thank you so much for your interest and all your kind words! You know, we had to put new apps development on pause due to some technical reasons, and I’m afraid we cannot expect this one to be released in the very near future :disappointed:

However, we do strive to get back to our Coming Soon project and develop new cool apps, we’re actively working in this direction.

Meanwhile, we monitor our wishlist to see which apps are most wanted, so feel free to vote for this request to bump it to top :slight_smile:

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So I use drop in blog too. And really need something slicker, more customisable and with the ability to have multiple blogs. I sometimes have courses that I have private posts behind firewalls so would love a blog app that can offer this.

I really hope this is launched before my subscription date for dib … Feb 2023 … but I fear that won’t be the case.

Maybe it’s time to reconsider the funding model. I’d be willing to pay an extra sub for the blog module.


@Jason5, thanks a lot for your comment and for describing your use case!

You know, since we’re very much engaged in updating our entire dashboard, I’m afraid it’s unlikely that we will release a Blog app that soon :frowning:

But your suggestion regarding the funding model is nice, perhaps we really should consider it.

Thanks a lot for your help! Should any other suggestions or ideas come up, feel welcome to share, we’re happy to discuss things with you!

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Is there a way to create a widget for Blogger that will create menus and submenus?


@Josie thanks a lot for your question!

Although we don’t have this widget in our catalog as of yet, we do have it in our Coming Soon Project :slight_smile:

I’ve moved your comment to another thread with a similar request where I’ll keep you updated on the progress.

Thanks a lot for your help and welcome to the Elfsight Community! We’ll be happy to see you around :slight_smile:

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Curious to how this widget would work. If i implement on a clients website, will they get their own login to the blog? Or do i have to manage their blog ? Hopefully it’s a stand alone backend for the client.


Hello @Lesan :wave:

Thank you for your questions!

Customers will be able to edit blog within the widget, so they’ll need the access to your account.

We have such a request in our Wishlist and there are big chances that it will be implemented by the time Blog widget will be released. Please vote for this feature if you’d like to receive all the updates :wink:


Any updates on the blog widget? This is an awesome platform that embeds well with my Adobe Portfolio site, but there is a definitely a big demand for a blog widget. Can’t imagine why it is missing from the existing applications? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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That’s great and all, but if there is no separate login access to the blog widget for clients, then I do not see a point in it. I’m not going to give access to a client to edit their blog when I have about 40 other widgets on my account.

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@Stefan3 @Lesan really good questions from you guys!

As @Lesan noticed, the feature of sharing account access to the customers would be of great help and we absolutely agree with it!

Firstly, we are planning to add an option for sharing access to accounts, and then consider release of Blog widget because the first leads to the second.

Now, our devs are actively working on the development of a new dashboard. Once the new dashboard is released, they are going to work on sharing access to the account. After this, they’ll consider the Blog widget idea.

Please do not worry, we’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face: