Blog widget

Yes !
I want it too ! :slight_smile:


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Thatā€™s brilliant news. Iā€™d like the blog widget to be customisable so you can flex the format (eg show thumbnails only, or show single post plus thumbnails). It would be good to have filtering by date and topic and the possibility of marking some posts as featured. I would want posts to be able to be marked as private and public too as I have some online programmes that I have blogs embedded in and are only accessible to participants. Finally, the blog needs to have good text editing possibilities with bold, italic, different sized headings and sub headings, quotes, and highlighted text features. Different font choices would be important to match site design. For example:

I am currently using dropinblog which has all these features and would switch to yours if youā€™re able to replicate.


@Shannon_Young @MakingMoves @Jason5 thank you so much for your comments here!

@Jason5 your description is awesome, I guess I see what kind of widget you expect to have, many thanks! If we come up with any other questions, Iā€™ll post them here to make sure we move in the right direction :slight_smile:

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Would love to know the latest update and ETAā€¦ I subscribed to Elfsight because of the Blog widget. The description of the widget on the website is amazing and exactly what I need. With the installation instructions at the bottom of the page that describes the widget, I didnā€™t realize that it wasnā€™t ready yet. anxiously waiting :grinning:

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@Claire_Robertin happy to see you here in the community, welcome!

Ahh, Iā€™m really sorry for having mislead you (totally didnā€™t mean to, promise!), but weā€™re really considering the Blog widget for development. Iā€™m afraid, weā€™re still in the process of mapping out our plans for the entire year, so Iā€™ll be able to share any news some time later :slight_smile:

But thanks a lot for your interest! If you have any specific ideas or features for this widget in mind, feel free to share here :raised_hands:t2:

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Hi Yasmine, until Elfsight can develop a blog widget have you looked at Blogger. Itā€™s a Google product and can be embedded in other sites with iframe. Itā€™s basic but has most blog functionality. Itā€™s my interim.

@Victoria_Hansen All the more reason for us to hurry up!

I hope Iā€™ll be able to share news on how things are progressing soon :slight_smile:


Would love to know as Iotherwise need to look for other solution. What is the ETA timeline please?

Hi @Gijs :wave:

Thanks a bunch for sharing your feedback with us!

You see, the development of the Blog app is a rather complicated task that requires a significant amount of time and careful consideration of all the details. Thatā€™s why, we canā€™t provide any ETA for this app at the moment. I am really sorry!

We see that itā€™s one of the most popular apps in the Wishlist and we do realize its importance to you. This year, we have plans to actively develop new widgets, and weā€™ll prioritize them based on the number of votes they receive. We promise to keep you informed about any progress :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks a lot for your quick response. Considering all the great apps you have such as calendar already suggested I am surprised it is complicated. It is about calendar element on the front and a richt text editor en a self given category (writer / date) filter to me.

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Hi @Gijs :wave:

Yes, I agree that certain existing apps offer more advanced features compared to the expected functionality of the Blog widget.

However, what I meant is that the development of any new app is a complex process involving multiple stages (design, implementation, testing, etc). All these stages usually take significant amount of time, thatā€™s why itā€™s challenging for us to specify the timeline for now.

Anyway, weā€™ll keep you abreast of any changes here, so that you wouldnā€™t miss any important updates :slightly_smiling_face: