Widget for making a Forum

Hi there @Ellyn_Schinke :wave:

Your feedback totally makes sense, and I am really sorry for the frustration caused by this!

Firstly, I’d like to assure you that we didn’t have an intention to give false hopes or mislead you anyhow. Indeed, this section was initially labeled as “Coming Soon,” but we’ve changed it to “Gathering Feedback” for greater transparency.

The thing is that we have 2 main criteria when for prioritization of requests: complexity of their implementation and number of votes.

The Forum widget is quite complex to develop, and I am afraid it won’t be live in the near future.:

However, please know that we’re fully committed to developing new apps, and we are not going to abandon the idea of the Forum widget. In fact, we’ve released 3 new widgets this month alone:

As soon as we have any updates on the Forum app, we’ll let you know right away :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks a lot for your feedback and understanding!