View event date in the content list

It would be helpful to be able to see which event instance you’re editing by showing the date of the event in the dashboard content list. If we duplicate an event of the same title, it would be helpful to see which event instance we’re clicking on instead of guessing.

Share your use case and provide as many details to support your idea as possible:


@user2776 many thanks for sharing your idea, I do understand your point! Hopefully, we’ll give this suggestion a thought in our future updates, I’ll keep you posted :slight_smile:

We also have another similar idea, perhaps you’ll find it decent and want to vote for it: Add events in date order automatically.

Thanks a lot for your help, it’s much appreciated!


Hmmm, good idea. This is good plus to topic “Make it easier to find the events on the list”.


Yeah, agree! Either of the features would simplify the work with the calendar, I guess. Let’s hope we’ll manage to consider it sooner than later :slight_smile:


Friends, I’m happy to share that we’re actively working on this feature! Chances are it will be released quite soon, we’ll keep you updated here :blush:

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Hello friends :wave:

We are happy to share that the event date is now displayed in the event list:

Check this post for more details - Event Calendar: [MAJOR UPDATE] Easier event editing, chronological order + 1 more feature!🚀


3 posts were split to a new topic: Incorrect date in the event list

Yeee ))) It’s cool!


Happy to see that you love this update, @Tender_S !

Many thanks for your feedback and support :wink:

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