Add events in date order automatically

It is insane that adding events is not in date order. ie if I add an event I can only do it to the bottom of the list and it does not automatically add this to the list in date order. As there is no date on the event list this means I have to scroll blindly through list and click on an approximate of I wish to edit that event. This applies especially to repeat events.

Why does your repeat button not add the events as repeated events ie if it repeats each Tuesday why does it not add it every Tuesday??

If a person clicks on the event on the site nothing comes up. How are people to see the info ie who to contact to join etc?!

Why can I not access the event list from the actual event on the calendar?


Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 4

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Thanks a lot for sharing your ideas and feedback here!

I’m truly sorry that some essential features are not supported at the moment, but we do understand how needed they are and we do have plans to pay special attention to Event Calendar widget improvement.

Since you’ve added several ideas in one request, I’m going to break them down so that there is one idea in one request.

I’d love to say that we already have a feature request regarding the repeat option, please feel free to vote for it to subscribe to the updates — Allow repeated events display beyond a month.

As for the issue with the popup, I’m truly sorry to hear that. Our support specialist has already found your support ticket and he will get back to you as soon as he has any updates.

Regarding your last question, we’d be really grateful if you could provide some more details about this issue so that we understand the case better. Please feel welcome to provide them in your support ticket as well.

We’ll try our best to make your calendar widget work just fine for you :pray:t2:

Thanks a lot for sharing your feedback and for your help!

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It would be great if the events i’ve created on the back end could be sorted by date, and not by when i created them – or least have the option to sort them either by date or alphabetically (also show or hide expired events etc). it’s often hard to find an event i’ve created in my very long list of events (in order to edit or make a change) because they are unsortable!

also putting in my two cents for a way to use a single event database in more ways than one, or create several different types of event widgets using the same data.


Hi @Philip and welcome to Elfsight Community :wave:

I understand how inconvenient it can be, and I am so sorry about it! This feature would be a great addition to our product and we’ll gladly consider your idea in our future updates :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks a million for such a detailed feedback and contribution to the widget development! That’s much appreciated!

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It would be great if during event creation that the event list is

  1. Sorted by title name, date, venue, host, etc.
  2. Filtered according to date, venue, host, tag, etc.
  3. Searchable by keyword in event name and description

Thank you!

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Welcome to the Community @Shany_Porras :wave:

Many thanks for sharing your use case with us!

Glad to tell you that recently we’ve added an option to search events by name or description:


As for the other options, we’ll try to consider them as well. We’ll keep you posted here :slightly_smiling_face:


It would be very helpful to have the event content list show the date and auto organize by date. Once an event date has passed, the events in the content list should move into a past events catagory.


Hi there @Company_Brewing :wave:

We already have a similar idea in the Wishlist and I’ve moved your comment to the dedicated thread.

As for the moving past events from the event list to the Past Events folder, this is a great suggestion as well! We’ll try to consider this opportunity in our future updates. I’ll keep you posted here in case of any news :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us!


Friends, I’m happy to say that we’ve started overhauling the widget editor so that it’s easier to navigate! :blush:


Hello friends :wave:

I am coming with the great news - now events in the event list are automatically displayed in a chronological order:

Check this post for more details :slightly_smiling_face: - Event Calendar: [MAJOR UPDATE] Easier event editing, chronological order + 1 more feature!🚀