Twitter feed is not loading tweets

The Twitter feed has not been loading tweets for a few days, and the app settings don’t load either.
Attached is a screenshot.


Hi @Can_Antaviana :wave:

I am so sorry that you’ve encountered such an issue.

I’ve passed on your request to our devs! We’ll keep you in the loop here.

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Hi @Can_Antaviana

Thank you for waiting!

We’ve fixed the issue. Please check your widget and let me know how it works :slightly_smiling_face:

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Was there an actual fix to this? I’m seeing the exact same thing on my end, and on the website it continues to just spin for days like it’s trying to load.

Hi @Bradley_Windhorst and welcome aboard :wave:

I am genuinely sorry for all the inconvenience!

Could you please try to reconnect your widget and let me know if it helped?

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Sorry for the late response.

It worked once I disconnected the widget, and then quickly just reconnected it right after.

Loaded properly and worked well - thank you.


Dear @Max, we’re having this same issue - though after disconnecting the profile and reconnecting we don’t see any updates. Still showing ‘no tweets’ though the profile has over 17K tweets available.

Was thinking that perhaps Elfsight indexes the posts to use them?

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Hey there @Rootsteps and welcome to Elfsight family :wave:

I’m terribly sorry that you’ve encountered this issue!

Our devs have cleared authentication data. Could you please try to reconnect your widget once again and let me know if it helped?

Hi, I am experiencing the same issue; initially tweets were loading but now the last tweet is from 10/20 even thought there has been substantial content since. Additionally, new additions are not being found or indexed. Any solutions?

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Hi @user4791 and welcome aboard :wave:

I am so sorry about the issue!

Could you please share a link to the page where the widget is installed?

Also getting the same issue here on with @hello_cps

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Hi @user8612 and welcome to the Community :wave:

We’ve fixed the issue! Please check your widget and let me know if it’s fine :slightly_smiling_face:

A post was split to a new topic: No tweets error