The 4th case of Contact Form Error

  • Issue description:

this is 4 x cases of contact form error
the data is not send to email after submit
can you please fix this issues
due this problem impact of our business

  • Link to the page with the widget in question:
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Hi @Wayan!

Our Contact Form app had been experiencing temporary difficulties indeed. I totally understand how you feel and I am terribly sorry about this frustrating situation :pensive:

Our devs fixed the issue, so everything should be working fine now. All missing submissions will be successfully delivered in a few hours.

Please check your widget and let me know how it works now.

Thank you for your patience and understanding :pray:

Dear Max

the contact form now is working perfectly
thank you very much already fast respond for follow up this matter

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@Wayan Glad to hear that you are good now!

You are always very welcome :wink:

If emails from forms are not working, we should be informed immediately, to look through the elfsight website to see if we have missed anything. Missed contact forms are a critical concern.


Hi @Hugh!

I absolutely agree with you and realize how frustrating it could be :pensive: I would feel the same if that happened to me. Please accept my sincere apologies for this inconvenience!

We’ll do all our best to prevent such situations in the future.

Thank you for your patience and understanding :pray:

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