Set categories to the posts

An option to set categories for the posts would be fantastic


Yes please :slight_smile:


Absolutely. Articles will become redundant after a while if people canā€™t navigate to categories of interest (they wonā€™t scroll endlessly to find what they are looking for). Especially when there are various topics being written about or discussed. ā€˜Most recentā€™ articles donā€™t always mean the most relevant. Search intent is crucial in blogging.


Hi there, @Martin13 :wave:

Thank you for the feedback!

Absolutely agree with you! Weā€™ll keep it in mind and see how others feel about it :slightly_smiling_face:


Adding categories to blog option
as a caterer
I would love to see an option
ā€œwedding blogsā€
"corporate catering blogs:
ā€œprivate event blogsā€


Hi there @JP_Vandervaere and welcome to the Community :wave:

We do realize the benefits of this feature for many users and already added this idea to the Wishlist. Iā€™ve merged your comment with the topic where weā€™ll keep you in the loop :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks a bunch for your input, thatā€™s much appreciated!

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Yes, this is really needed. The navigation will be much easier and also it is good for SEO!


Greetings @Max et al.,

This is definitely a missing feature for us. Logically we expected this to be in the ā€œPostā€ section when ā€œEdit Post:ā€ is selected and below options are made available:

  1. Featured Image
  2. Publication Date
  3. ā€œCategoryā€
  4. ā€œTagsā€
  5. Author
  6. URL Slug
  7. Feature Post Button

Then weā€™d expect the option to select, or de-select it in ā€œCard Elementsā€ along with:

  1. Post Intro
  2. Author Name
  3. Publication Date
  4. ā€œCategoryā€
  5. ā€œTagsā€

If this type of feature is too complex, or beyond the scope of the widget, then a feature for ā€œTagsā€ would be great. Or does this already exist via customization? Or is there another thread for ā€œTagsā€ that I can upvote?

cc: @Helga as Max is out on vacation.,

Best regards,


Thanks a lot for this detailed comment, @Master_Web!

Unfortunately, we donā€™t support the ā€œCategoryā€ and ā€œTagsā€ features at the moment, but these are really good suggestions in my book. Iā€™m afraid there is no option to customize tags, but youā€™re very welcome to upvote this idea: Add tags to posts and tag filter :slight_smile:

Many thanks for your help!

Thank you @Helga . Just up voted.

Iā€™ll also take a look at the other feature requests for the ā€œBlogā€ widget using the tag under ā€œAll Widgetsā€ found on the ā€œWish Listā€ page. I just noticed it, as I was going to make a suggestion to add it to the forum.

What I will suggest is that this very neat feature be included in the Welcome to the Elfsight Community!| Beginnerā€™s Guide.

Also feel free to share/remind us of all the cool features to easily navigate the Elfsight forum. Iā€™m still learning, and like to be efficient without duplicating feature requests.

Best wishes,

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Thanks so much for sharing, @Master_Web! Itā€™s a really good idea to update our welcome post for better navigation ā€” Iā€™ll definitely consider it!

I hope youā€™ll find this community helpful and insightful, and please feel free to share your thoughts anytime. Your feedback is always greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

Hello Helga
Any news on this feature? We are actually looking for another solution that is able to do this. I hope we can stay with Elfsight ā€¦
Greetings, Piero


Iā€™m still waiting


Hello guys, @JP_Vandervaere, @JP_Vandervaere :wave:

I am sorry, but we havenā€™t got any news about this feature yet!

You see, we priortitize requests based on their complexity and popularity. Right now, we have a bunch of requests with the higher priority and our devs are focused on them.

However, we see that this feature got significant interest from the community and Iā€™d like to assure that weā€™re not going to abandon this idea. Letā€™s hope the devs will be able to consider it in 2025 and Iā€™ll make sure to update if anything changes

Many thanks for your feedback and happy New Year :wink:


Using Categories has more benefits like SEO and organisation, I vote this option.


Definitely need categories! I love the new blog layouts and it is perfect for my needs but without a categories feature it will not be of much use for meā€¦ and I really, really want to use this widget! :grinning:


Hi there, @Alan_Jordan :wave:

Thanks for upvoting this idea! Letā€™s hope the devs will be able to consider this feature in the near future, and weā€™ll be posting here in case of any changes :slightly_smiling_face:

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Friends, Iā€™m happy to say that weā€™ve started working on an option to set categories for the post! :tada:

Right now, itā€™s in the Design stage, and weā€™ll keep you updated on the progress here :blush:


Update: the feature was moved to the Development stage! :tada: