Greetings All,
I’m a novice web developer tinkering with low code, to no code web development. Primarily experienced with Word Press and Google Sites web developments.
Now, if you have a few minutes to help out the community, please consider up-voting, and adding your voice to the below feature requests. Even if you are not using the widget right now, consider just supporting those that use it.
Blog Widget:
RSS Feed Widget
Store Locator Widget
YouTube Widget
Weather Widget:
- Slider Layout Customization Options
- Pagination For 3hr Forecast Layout
- Navigation Arrows Options - Show/On-Hover
- More Themed Images Options (& Custom Image Uploads) - Animated
- Navigation Arrows Customization
- Navigation Arrows Options - Show/On-Hover
General Question (Request):
Testimonial Widget:
New Widget Request
Best wishes,