

Greetings All,

I’m a novice web developer tinkering with low code, to no code web development. Primarily experienced with Word Press and Google Sites web developments.

Now, if you have a few minutes to help out the community, please consider up-voting, and adding your voice to the below feature requests. Even if you are not using the widget right now, consider just supporting those that use it.


  1. Tablet View - When Editing Widgets

Blog Widget:

  1. Blog Post Updated Date (Keep Original Published Date)
  2. Paid subscription to access more articles

RSS Feed Widget

  1. Universal Filter Option For RSS Feed Sources
  2. Bulk upload for filters

Store Locator Widget

  1. Open Link In Open Street Maps (OMS)

YouTube Widget

  1. Mobile Phone and Tablet Views Same As Desktop View

Weather Widget:

  1. Slider Layout Customization Options
  2. Pagination For 3hr Forecast Layout
  3. Navigation Arrows Options - Show/On-Hover
  4. More Themed Images Options (& Custom Image Uploads) - Animated
  5. Navigation Arrows Customization
  6. Navigation Arrows Options - Show/On-Hover

General Question (Request):

Testimonial Widget:

  1. Dates format

New Widget Request

  1. Open Street Maps (OSM)

Best wishes,