Monthly Recap: February 2025

Hello everyone :wave:

February is coming to a close, meaning it’s time for our traditional monthly recap. Let’s get straight to the point and see what’s been done!

Top features :top:

Other updates :rocket:

Widget accessibility :globe_with_meridians:

Making our widgets more accessible is a top priority right now, and we’ve made some great strides this month - February accessibility enhancements.

New ideas in progress :construction_worker_man:

Form to collect customer info - this game-changing feature for the AI Chatbot widget is already in progress and we’re pretty sure you’ll love it :blush:

Also, a bunch of requests has successfully passed through the Design stage and are now in the Development stage :hammer_and_wrench:

Our achievements :trophy:

Guys, we’d love for you to take a minute to check out our Wishlist! Your feedback, votes, and fresh ideas are incredibly valuable to us :blush:



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