How do I add a Product Carousel in Squarespace

To add a product carousel in Squarespace, you can use Summary Block or List Section (People Section), then you can pull products from Shop Page.

A. Summary Block
#1. First, ADD BLOCK

#2. Choose Summary

#3. Edit Summary and click Select a Page

#4. Choose your Shop/Product Page

#5. In Design, choose Carousel

#6. With Summary Block Carousel, you cannot adjust the number of items/rows on Mobile. Quite complicated to intervene with the code.

B. List Section (People Section)
#1. First, you need to find Shop/Product Page URL, by clicking Gear icon

and this is URL. In my example, it is: /shop

#2. First, ADD SECTION

#3. Click People (left side) then choose a layout with (i) icon (right side)

#4. Hover on People Section > Click EDIT CONTENT

At Elements > Enable Title

At Content, click Title

and enter Shop Page URL (URL in step #1)

{sync=enter page url}
for example {sync="/shop"}

#5. At Design, choose Carousel

#6. Install this plugin. Plugin will connect People Section with Products in Shop Page.
Plugin will give you some code, to add to Code Injection Header/Footer

#7. Done. Save and Reload the site. Result.