Generate Statistics or Reports

For example, an overview of the most frequently asked questions in a given week/month.


Hi there, @Guy_Barnea :wave:

Sounds interesting! What other statistics would you like to be available?

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Thank you for your response.

I think having an option to send customers statistics on the number of chat interactions, along with a weekly or monthly email containing only the questions, could be fantastic.

Additionally, I believe there should be a way, as an agency, to grant clients access only to their bot, without any connection to the widget management platform I operate. This way, if I provide a client with a bot for their website, they can continue training it without needing to rely on us.

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Got it, thanks!

As for granting access to specific widgets only, we already have this idea on the Wishlist. Feel free to upvote it here - Provide a client with access to specific widgets within his project