Backend of Elfsight takes a really long time to load

Hello. I am brand new to elfsight and so far I am enjoying the product. However, I experience extremely long load time on the backend when I attempt to edit or load a widget. The front end (display on my site) works fine, but I find I have to wait several minutes to get the manage feature to load. This happens in both Chrome and Safari on my Mac M1 Pro.


Hi @Kevin13! Welcome to Community :tada:

I am so sorry about this inconvenience!

I’ll be more than happy to check things for you! Could you please send me an e-mail connected to your Elfsight account and a screenshot of the Developer Console?

Also, a video screencast of the issue would be highly appreciated


I’m having the same issue. I ended up having to switch to Safari and it was able to load much faster. I prefer to work in Chrome for a lot of reasons but in regards to Elfsight–the developer tools are easier to use for customization.


Hi @Lily_Gamble! Welcome to Elfsight Community :tada:

I’ve checked your widgets and the issue seem to be caused by image resolution (3000px*3000px)

Please try to reduce the image resolution by 5 times and let me know if it helped :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Max,

Thank you for the reply. I am including a video link.


Hey @Max! I was really happy to find this forum, so I appreciate the warm welcome. :blush:

Is the photo size impacting how the application panel in elfsight’s backend loads as well? Just want to make sure I articulated the issue properly—it’s the actual dashboard that takes so long to load rather than the pages I add widgets to.

Editing to add that @Kevin13’s video demonstrates the issue I’m having as well


Hi @Kevin13!

Many thanks for your screencast!

The issue may be caused by the browser extensions. Could you please check it in incognito mode and let me know if the issue still persists?


@Lily_Gamble I am so sorry about misunderstanding from my side!

Unfortunately, today we experienced some unexpected maintenance issues. Please accept my sincere apologies!

However, our developers already fixed the issue, so you should no longer have any trouble.

If the issue still persists, could you please also check the dashboard in incognito mode of your browser?


Hello Max. I think I found the issue. The delay happens when is attempted. Currently our firewall is blocking most ru sites. Is this a requirement to use your services? Reaching to an .RU domain?


Hi @Kevin13!

We’ve disabled the script you are talking about. Could you please check the dashboard and let me know how it works now?


It appears the script is still in place (see screenshot)


@Kevin13 we’ve removed the script from the dashboard, but the script on the screenshot is from widget configurator.

I need to tell you that at the moment we are analyzing the configurator performance and put this script for a short time. However, we are going to remove it int the near future. Please accept my sincere apologies for all the inconvenience!

As for now, you can make this script from the block in the Firewall.

Please let me know if this explains things or if you have any other questions.


Thank you for your responses. I very much appreciate the great customer service!


@Kevin13 It’s the least I could do :slightly_smiling_face:


4 posts were split to a new topic: Dashboard takes long time to load

A post was split to a new topic: Loading speed issues