Loading speed issues

@Max Hi. Have you solved the problem of your widget’s long loading time? Its long loading time affects the website’s promotion. The widget is good and I would not like to look for other alternatives. Give me a solution if there is one.


Hi there, @Grand_Alem :wave:

I’ve checked the widget code on your website page and noticed that it doesn’t contain an attribute for lazy loading (data-elfsight-app-lazy).

Adding this attribute should improve your website performance score and resolve the issue. To do that, please replace the installation code on your website with the new one. You can find it in the Embed Code section for your widget:

Also, I’ve noticed that your widget is placed in the initial viewport, which may also affect the performance score.

To fix this, you can move the widget code lower on the page. Right now, it’s in the body, and we recommend moving it lower to the footer.

Please try to follow these steps and let me know if it helped :slightly_smiling_face: