I do have the impression that the google review widget slows down my site badly

I have the google review Widget implemented and it seems it slows down the side badly. At least the lighthouse test doesnt look good.

Physioflex Page

Anything I can do about that?



Hello @user1949! We are extremely happy that you joined our Community! Welcome :wave: :heart:

I’m terribly sorry that Google Reviews widget affects your website’s speed. However, the good news is that we have a way of improving the performance.

You are very welcome to reinstall your widget by using some kind of lazy loading. In this topic, you can find more information about this workaround

To make it work, you need to add a data-elfsight-app-lazy attribute to the widget installation code. Here’s what the installation code will look like:

<script src="https://apps.elfsight.com/p/platform.js" defer></script>
<div class="elfsight-app-**WIDGET_ID** " data-elfsight-app-lazy></div>

Please replace WIDGET_ID in the code above with the ID of your own widget and install it on your website.

Please check it and let me know if it helped :slightly_smiling_face:

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-lazy worked for us months ago when I asked Oliver’s question too, directly to Support. Hardly noticeable on GTmetrix any more at just 27ms on the loading time.

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Hello @TradePrintingUK and welcome to Elfsight Community :tada: :heart_hands:

A huge thank you for sharing your feedback with us :heart:

If anything comes up, feel free to contact us. We’ll be more than happy to assist!

Have a nice day :wink: