Allow users to add events to the calendar

Hi @Shany_Porras :wave:

I do see your point, and I am really sorry that our doesn’t support this feature yet. We’ll try to consider this opportunity in the future updates and I’ll make sure to keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:

A huge thank you for your interest and help!

I agree with this request. It would be nice to have an API that takes local form data and adds/edits events to a shared calendar. I’d just like to see the forms you’ve already designed in the elfsight calendar editor in my website - they are perfect. Could these be delivered as part of the widget?

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Hi there @snpc :wave:

I totally agree that this feature would be really helpful for many users! We’ll try to work in this direction in our future enhancements, and I’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks a lot for helping us grow and welcome to the Community!