Allow users to add events to the calendar

Its not really the access to the admin penal. Its more like adding user to the eventcalender. So they could send in their own Events. I get the info, can check it and activate the event.
But no access to all other things like the layout, etc.

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To number 2:
If i create the user i link it to a host. So he can only sent in events for this host .
So he can create events only in his name (host)
I hope its understanable now :grimacing::grimacing:

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I got your point, thanks!

We already have a similar idea in the Wishlist. I’ve added your comments there too, so that you could keep up with the latest updates here.

As for the adding events only for the specific host, I agree that it would be a great option. We’ll try to consider it in our future updates as well :slightly_smiling_face:

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I totally agree with this. I ended up buying the Elfsight form builder app to help, but still, it doesn’t integrate with Calendar app, so there is the manual step of entering the form’s data into calendar.


Hi @Shany_Porras :wave:

I do see your point, and I am really sorry that our doesn’t support this feature yet. We’ll try to consider this opportunity in the future updates and I’ll make sure to keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:

A huge thank you for your interest and help!

Allow the elfsight form builder to populate a calendar dynamically (a little surprised this isn’t already available? Am I missing something?)

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Hi @Andy_Milligan :wave:

If I understood you correctly, you’d like to have an option to submit event via your Form Builder widget and these events should be dynamically added to the Event Calendar widget.

Unfortunately, this option isn’t supported now, I am so sorry! We have such a request in the Wishlist, and I’ve moved your comment there too. All the updates will be posted in this thread :slightly_smiling_face:

In case I misunderstood you, please share more details on your use case. I’ll gladly look into this for you!

I agree with this request. It would be nice to have an API that takes local form data and adds/edits events to a shared calendar. I’d just like to see the forms you’ve already designed in the elfsight calendar editor in my website - they are perfect. Could these be delivered as part of the widget?

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Hi there @snpc :wave:

I totally agree that this feature would be really helpful for many users! We’ll try to work in this direction in our future enhancements, and I’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks a lot for helping us grow and welcome to the Community!

Ça me semble ĂȘtre une Ă©volution nĂ©cessaire pour autoriser uniquement la saisie d’évĂ©nements par des collaborateurs qui ne doivent pas modifier les paramĂštres mais exclusivement faire de la saisie.
It seems to me to be a necessary development to only authorize the entry of events by collaborators who must not modify the parameters but exclusively do the entry.

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Bonjour @CrocTonPlaisir :wave:

Ai-je bien compris que vous souhaitez partager l’accĂšs Ă  votre compte avec les collaborateurs, afin qu’ils puissent crĂ©er de nouveaux Ă©vĂ©nements dans le widget ? Si c’est le cas, vous pouvez le faire en utilisant la fonctionnalitĂ© Membres (disponible Ă  partir des forfaits Pro).

Retrouvez plus de dĂ©tails dans cet article - [MAJOR UPDATE]: Introducing the INVITE MEMBERS feature in your Dashboard! ⚡

Cependant, si je vous ai mal compris, veuillez développer votre idée :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi there @CrocTonPlaisir :wave:

Do I get it right that you’d like to share access to your account with the collaborators, so that could create new events in the widget? If it is, you can do this using the Members feature (available starting with the Pro plans).

Find more details in this article - [MAJOR UPDATE]: Introducing the INVITE MEMBERS feature in your Dashboard! ⚡

However, if I misunderstood you, please elaborate on your idea :slightly_smiling_face:

Bonjour Max, oui c’est bien cela : permettre Ă  un collaborateur de crĂ©er des Ă©vĂ©nements dans toutefois modifier les paramĂštres.
Je vais regarder le lien.
Merci pour ton retour.

Hello Max and thank you! While the collaboration feature would be great for some instances that is not exactly what I am looking for in the calendar widget. I am an agency that provides sites for organizations. I would be able to use the calendar widget for their sites if THEY (my client) could manage the calendar. I don’t want them as a collaborator in my Elfsight account but instead simply as a ‘calendar manager’ from the front end of their website. Thanks!


Thank you for your comment, @T111!

You know, we’re on the verge of releasing an option that allows Project users to share access to a specific widget. You can follow the updates here if you’re interested: Provide a client with access to specific widgets within his project :slight_smile:


Thank you Helga ! I am now following the topic 
 That is exactly what I am looking for

~T. Gath
Web: Ed Web Services


Agreed. We use the calendar for events in our city and would like to allow readers to submit their events for consideration. It would be so helpful! Thanks!


Community Based calendar entry would be amazing! I would like to have the option to review and approve the entry before it gets published on the shopify store.


Say you have 20 organizations that have regular events, it would be nice to give them their own login limited to register their upcoming events. I would prefer it come to moderator first who will approve it, alternatively do some edits before it’s published. This would save a lot of time for admins to run this event calendar portal.

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@MariusP Thanks for the note!

We’ll have it in mind when considering this request :wink:

A post was split to a new topic: Opportunity for users to add events to their calendar by clicking on the widget