Why are you charging GST?

I was about to buy countdown timer when I noticed you are also charging GST. I am based in India and you are in a different country so I am not required to pay GST to your country. Can you skip the GST and send me yearly invoice for Basic Pack.


Hi there, @user20594 and welcome to the Community :wave:

I have to say that my colleagues from the Support Team are better experts in such questions.

I see that you’ve already opened a support ticket and our agents will reach out to you as soon as possible and answer your questions :slightly_smiling_face:

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You mention a reply within few hours but it’s been already 3 days with no response to my ticket. Thanks for your response.


Currently, we are receiving a high number of requests, that’s why the response time is a bit longer than usual.

However, I’ve talked to the Support Team and they’ll contact you out of turn :slightly_smiling_face:

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