Submissions go to spam

Hello sir, i would like to inform you that this issue may not have been resolved because when i’m putting up email and testing those emails are going into “spam” section and its showing that its harmful for users.
Kindly look into this issue.

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Welcome to the Community @Gadgetifygo :wave:

Yeah, you are right. Popular email providers like Gmail rely on advanced email sorting tools that determine what should be sent to Spam. Thus, some emails end up in Spam or don’t reach the recipient at all.

Unfortunately, it can also affect the delivery of submissions from Elfsight. We recommend you to follow these steps to ensure the successful delivery of emails:

Blocked Senders and Domains

Ensure that is not blacklisted. To do it, please go to Settings → See all settings Filters and blocked addresses in your Gmail account:

If you find the address there, please remove it to ensure proper email delivery.

Create a Filter for Elfsight email

Please create a filter with screencast. This will instruct Gmail to always deliver emails from this address directly to your inbox:

Check it out and let me know if it helped :slightly_smiling_face: