New Widget: LinkedIn Feed - How to use a Company Page as source

I was trying to setup the LinkedIn Feed widget to show in our web site the feeds from our LinkedIn corporate page here:

I was not able to setup the above as source.

Please could anyone help me?

Thank you in advance.

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Greetings @Sysop_InfoComm_Manag and welcome to Elfsight family :heart:

I’ve tried to add the source to the feed and the posts have been successfully collected:

However, I have to say LinkedIn Feed is available only on a new dashboard and you have an old dashboard account.

We’ll be happy to transfer your account to a new dashboard, so that you could use LinkedIn Feed. Just let us know if you’d like this and we’ll gladly assist :wink:

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Hello @Max thank you very much for your fast reply and solution.

Of course I like the proposed solution.

Please let me know what and when I need to do some action from my part.

Glad to tell you that we’ve moved your account to the new Dashboard :slightly_smiling_face:

Here’s a new link that you need to use in order to log into your Elfsight account with the previous credentials -

In addition, here’s an article that will help you figure out and navigate the new Dashboard - Dashboard 3.0 - Introducting Main Changes.

Could you please log in and let me know if you see the changes?

Hello @Max

I confirm you that I just logged in the new dashboard, where I can see the Instagram Feed widget I was using.

Now I would like use the LinkedIn Feed widget to show in our web site the feeds from our LinkedIn corporate page here: as you done in your first reply.

Please could you list me the steps I have to to and the source syntax I need to use to obtain the result you showed me?

In your screen shot I’m not able to read the source syntax you used.

@Sysop_InfoComm_Manag Firstly, you need to find LinkedIn Feed widget in the catalogue and create a widget:

After that, you just need to add the link to your corporate page ( to the LinkedIn URL field:

Please follow the steps and let me know if it helped :slightly_smiling_face:

@Max Thanks to your help I just created the widget.

At last I think there are two issues:

  1. In your screen shot there are larger posts and I can see the images embedded in our LinkedIn posts. I may widjet just created I can see only a few text:

  2. I tried to upgrade to a Basic or Pro license but during the check-out they add the IVA taxes but our Company is based in Monaco so you don’t need to apply any taxes.

Thank you in advance for your valuable help!

How you can see in our widget the images are missing:



@Sysop_InfoComm_Manag I’ve checked your widget and can see the images:

Could you please send me a screenshot of the Developer Console?

As for the VAT question, could you please send me a screenshot of what you see as well?

Hi @Max ,

About the VAT I completed the purchase anyway.

About the missing images, I just discovered that accessing via mobile I can see the images.

The images are missing if I access via web browser from my desktop.

In the dashboard i see the below:

… but if I EDIT I see the below without images:

I’ve checked your website form desktop and the images are displayed:

It seems to be a local issue connected with the peculiarities of your browser settings or some desktop tools.

Could you please specify the exact version of the browser you are using and send me a screenshot of the Developer Console?

Oppssssss… you are right!

The issue is not related to my copy of Chrome and Edge but only to Firefox:

Now I’m trying to remove the strange block because my Firefox is very standard:

Hi @Max ,

I cleared cookies and I solved.

Also in Firefox the widget is with images.

Thank you very much for your valuable support!

Happy to hear that you are good now!

You are always welcome :wink: