Menu navigation (navigation bar)

a lot of non-coders can benefit from a menu navigation for tables and mobiles. It is difficult to create interactions when using these menus, usually my team waits until the last design to do this. Having this feature would definitely get more of my team members on board with elfsight.


Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 7

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Original comment transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

Hello there,

Thank you for your suggestion and for your patience!

I’m happy to say that finally we have this widget as our Coming Soon one, you are most welcome to check how it’s going to look here - Navigation Widget | Create Navigation Bar plugin for your website.

And if there’s anything else you’d like to see as settings, please feel free to let us know here in the comments :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help!

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Responsive menus would be great, top navs, side navs, floating navs, etc.


Hello and thank you for adding this idea!

We are happy to say that we have plans to release such a widget, and you can have a look at how it’s going to look here - Navigation Widget | Create Navigation Bar plugin for your website.

And you are most welcome to leave any thoughts and ideas regarding this app in the comments here :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you so much!


Can we get a navigation bar plugin at bottom for google sites like the nav bar for applications on mobile phone but fully customizable

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@loveya thanks a lot for your suggestion and welcome to the Elfsight Community! :hugs:

We do have a Navigation Menu widget in our Coming Soon project, and I’ve moved your request to the thread with the same idea. I’ll make sure to post updated here as well :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for your help!

Do you have some designs?

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We can use CSS code to adjust Menu Style. If you need this, just share site url + describe what you want, we can help some things.

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@user2752 welcome to the community! :tada:

Could you please elaborate on this a bit so that we can help you better? If you mean our future Navigation Menu widget, you can see how it’s going to look like here: Navigation Widget | Create Navigation Bar plugin for your website :slight_smile:

That is weird. I checked in All Widgets page, before comment, but can’t find this Navigation Menu Widget :joy:

Tuan, don’t worry, we don’t have any super-secret widgets :smile:

We’ve got some widgets in our Widget Ideas project, and Navigation Menu is listed there as well :slight_smile:

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Looking for a widget similiar to the radio player where the widget stays in place when you scroll down on the web page. This widget I am asking for is a menu for site navigation that would behave the same way.

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I really love the idea of a floating menu, thank you for your comment, @John_Jeffries!

You know, we also have a similar request in our wishlist, so I’ve moved yours to the thread where we’re discussing the options for such a widget :slight_smile:

I hope we’ll manage to start working on this one in the near future, I’ll keep you updated here :slight_smile:

And yes, welcome to the community, we’re happy to have you with us!

Yes, sounds like a great idea!

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We would like to have a directory that could be used for businesses, members, vendors, stores, locations, etc. It woulld have a top level page to search and sort in different ways - a dashboard, of sorts, and then individual listegs based upon the type of content the directory is for.

A business highlight area that is randomly generated would be a bonus!

Many thanks for this suggestion and all the details, @Jo-Anne_Newby!

I love your idea, and I really hope we’ll consider it in the future :slight_smile:

And yes, welcome to the community, we’re happy to have you with us!

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@Helga Hello hello is it possible to create a drop down menu hover such as this screenshot? You hover over the “Products” and you can see multiple different options to navigate to.

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Hi @Zi_Shan_Mei :wave:

What a great idea! We’ll take your suggestion into account when working on the app.

Thank you so much for sharing your idea and welcome to Community :slightly_smiling_face: