Manually refresh

Ability to manually refresh widget based on new reviews.


Hi @Nicolas1 :wave:

Many thanks for adding your request to the Wishlist!

I couldn’t agree more that it would be amazing to display new reviews straightaway or have an option to update them manually. Hopefully, our will be able to overcome this hindrance in the future.

I’ll keep you informed about any changes here :slightly_smiling_face:

Google deleted a review for my site that violated their policies on 6/2/2024, but it was still displayed via the widget as of today. I read you have a 72 hour cache on grabbing new reviews in the free plan, but what about deleting removed reviews? Do you synch widget reviews with Google reviews, or just grab the new ones. I had to add a filter to remove the review from my site (even though the review no longer exists on Google!) What is the best way to handle this?.. Thanks!

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Hi there @user12971 :wave:

Your suggestion sounds reasonable, especially for your cases like yours.

We already have a similar idea in the Wishlist. I’ve added your comment to the related where we’ll keep you in the loop.

Regarding the deleted review display, I’ll discuss with our devs if it’s possible to remove it manually on our end now :slightly_smiling_face:

The review is removed from the widget! Check it out and let me know if it’s fine now :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s removed. Thanks for your help.

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I was hoping that there was a refresh button or automatically refresh when a new review has been written but it does not show for us. I tried removing it and readding it but could not find my business.

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Hi there @Artistic_Hardwood_Fl :wave:

Apologies for the delayed response!

I’ve checked your widget, and it seems that you’ve added your business again and all the reviews are displayed now.

The new reviews don’t appear in the widget right away because of the cache. Our Reviews widgets get updated every 72 hours.

Currently, due to some technical restrictions, there is no way to manually refresh reviews or reduce the cache time. However, we totally agree that it would be just a fantastic improvement, and, hopefully, our devs will find a solution in the future.

We’ll be posting here in case of any changes :slightly_smiling_face:

The solution is clear and has been demonstrated as feasible by other companies. If your developers are not familiar with how to implement it, it is advisable to consult other specialists. Consider reaching out to someone on platforms like Fiverr who can assist you, as the issue is extremely serious.

În Lun, 19 aug. 2024 la 17:06 Max via Elfsight Community <> a scris:


A post was split to a new topic: Removed review is still displayed

I would also like this change to be implemented.


If it is not possible to add this functionality to be done automatically, we kindly ask you to make this functionality available in a manual format. We would like the updates to be completed as quickly as possible. Currently, there is a significant delay, and it’s becoming a big issue!

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Hello friends, thanks for your comments here!

We understand your wish to have new reviews displayed more quickly in your widgets, and we’re truly sorry that there’s no option to control the cache time at the moment.

However, we’re working on adjusting cache times based on the plan you choose, and this will be our first step in that direction. We’ll be posting updates about this change in this thread: Update Displayed Reviews Every 24 hours (Reduce Cache), so you’re welcome to follow it.

This request was initially submitted in March.

How much longer will it take to implement the crucial feature of updating feedback every 24 hours?

Many users have expressed a need for this update, and it appears that their requests have not been addressed effectively.

If there are technical challenges in implementing this feature, might it be possible to consider hiring a specialist to resolve this issue promptly?

Thank you.

Hi @George7, I’m afraid we don’t have this request on our shortlist at the moment, as manual refresh is quite a big task.

As I mentioned in the post above, our first step in this direction will be to introduce different cache times based on the chosen plan, and this is what we’re currently working on. I’ll be happy to post an update there as soon as this option is available.

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When it will be done??? Please spell us some concrets dates

În Lun, 30 sept. 2024 la 09:53 Helga via Elfsight Community <> a scris:

Hi @Madeline, unfortunately, we don’t have any concrete updates for this request :disappointed:

We’re always happy to receive suggestions and ideas, but we can’t introduce them all as quickly as we’d love to. Right now, we have over 2,000 open requests, with hundreds of them having 25+ votes — that’s why it’s not easy to roll them out promptly.

As for the cache issue, we’re working on reducing the cache time, and all the updates will be posted in this thread: Update Displayed Reviews Every 24 hours (Reduce Cache)

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A post was split to a new topic: How often are the reviews updated