Google review : new review not sync?

We just purchased Google review widget, and I would like to understand when the reviews are sync ?
We have a new review on google that is not displayed by the widget. When this review is going to appear ?
Thanks for your help,

Hi Marion, and welcome to our forum! :hugs:

Please don’t worry, your widget works correctly, and I’ll be happy to explain you the reason for this dealy.

Our widget uses cache to make it load faster and to reduce the server load, so it doesn’t request Google each time someone browses your feed. Instead, it requests Google once in every 48 hours, pulls in the reviews, stores them in the cache, and displays them from the cache. After the cache is expired, the widget requests Google for the reviews again, and that’s when the new ones make it to your feed.

This way, your widget gets updated every 48 hours, so all new reviews will definitely be added.

Please let me know if it helped :slight_smile:

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