Update Displayed Reviews Every 24 hours (Reduce Cache)

Update reviews at least every 24 hours, compared to every 3-4 days as is now the situation!

:exclamation:The main issue right now is that you update the reviews every 3-4 days, which is highly aggravating and causes us to lose our clients trust!

:exclamation:When a new customer sees that the most recent feedback on a website was left just a day ago, it builds more trust compared to seeing feedback that was left 3-4 days ago!

:pray: Guys, please support and share this proposal. Together, we can encourage our IT and Management teams to implement this crucial change!


@George7, thank you for your suggestion!

Although I understand your desire to feature the reviews promptly, would you please elaborate on how the current cache time impacts customer trust? That’s an interesting point!

This is a tough issue, and we’ve been searching for the best way to optimize the cache timing for quite some time, but have yet to find the most adequate approach.

That said, we keep looking for the best solution, and, hopefully, we’ll find one :slight_smile:

But I’m curious to better understand your idea on possible effect on the customer trust anyway!


:green_circle::exclamation: Alright, let me explain

When a new customer sees that the most recent feedback on a website was left just a day ago, it builds more trust compared to seeing feedback that was left four days ago.

People might perceive a site with older feedback as less popular or problematic platform. In contrast, frequent, up-to-date feedback, whether daily or every few hours, significantly boosts confidence in the platform. I personally share this perspective and tend to trust platforms more that consistently show recent feedback, as it indicates active customer engagement.

@Helga and @Max
Does what I am saying make sense?

My answer is YES! :white_check_mark:


Thank you for your reply, @George7, I see your point! You know, although we don’t fully agree that 3-day-old reviews might negatively impact customer trust, we’re still exploring ways to reduce cache timing.

However, I’d like to highlight some aspects that positively impact customer trust: our widget is SEO-friendly, offers a wide range of settings to customize it to match your website, includes built-in markup to display the data in search results, provides an auto-translate option to ensure smooth translation of reviews. We hope you find these features beneficial and efficient for your website :slight_smile:

Thank you for sharing your feedback!


Visual aspects are satisfactory; however, the technical issue of feedback display is crucial.

:exclamation: If a platform only shows outdated feedback, it suggests low user engagement. Continuous updates, ideally within 24 hours, are essential.

:exclamation: Delays, such as feedback posted four days ago, might lead potential clients to question the platform’s popularity and relevance.


I see your point, let’s hope we’ll find a solution :slight_smile:


:white_check_mark: If other providers have this functionality and it works perfectly well, then I’m sure your developers can implement it too, they have the desire to do it.

It’s easier to say no than to actually do something…


Hi George - 3 days is way to long - did you find anyone elses review app that does an instant refresh?


Hello @user537 , @Helga , @Max

:red_circle::exclamation: It is indeed possible to refresh reviews every 24 hours. Other providers offer this service, which clearly proves it’s feasible; some even allow for refresh rates as short as every 4 hours.

:red_circle::exclamation: While I can’t name these providers, Elfsight is surely aware of its competitors in the niche of Google Reviews Widget and can verify that such frequent updates are possible. Typically, the maximum update rate is 24 hours and is generally around 3 hours across all Elfsight competitors

:red_circle::exclamation: Currently, Elfsight changes reviews every 3-4 days, which hurts me much and damages the reputation of our website. Consumers may believe that the platform is not TRUSTED or CHOICED by other consumers when they view comments from 3-4 days ago, but our website, have new feedbacks daily! Elfsight is not displaying them, and is doing refreshing only after 3-4 days. It is disappointing that Elfsight engineers have not succeeded to include this crucial functionality.

:pray: Guys, please support and share this proposal. Together, we can encourage our IT and Management teams to implement this crucial change!


YES! Please add the feature to update feedback at least once every 24 hours. We are losing customer trust when they see very old feedback, while in reality, we have recent feedback from just a few hours or a day ago. Please implement this very important feature!



Could you please implement a feature that updates feedback at least every 24 hours? It is evident that such functionality is feasible, as I have observed competitors offering the same services as you do with this capability.

I work with multiple companies and plan to integrate your Google Feedback System into their websites. If you are unable to provide updates at least every 24 hours, I will have to recommend another provider. The current update frequency could lead to client losses and would negatively impact my credibility as a marketer. I trust you understand the critical nature of this functionality.


@George7, as I mentioned before, we unfortunately don’t have a solution ready to implement just yet, but we’re actively looking for one.

I get your urgency to reduce the cache time, but there’s really nothing we can do at the moment.

Also, I must say that adding comments and reactions from fake accounts won’t help the situation and isn’t recommended. Let’s keep our forum clean and friendly.


Hello Helga,

:exclamation: I believe there might be a misunderstanding. The feedback from people is genuine and not fake, and they can confirm this themselves. Let’s not deviate from the main topic, which is extremely important. These are real people who use or intend to use your platform, so please don’t disappoint them.

:exclamation: Listen to their concerns and understand that they are not writing anything negative but are simply asking for a feature that is truly important to them and to me as well!


Hi @George7,

I’m Andrei, the CEO of Elfsight, and I wanted to personally reach out to you regarding your repeated requests and concerns about the review update frequency on our platform.

Firstly, I want to thank you for your passion and dedication to improving our service. We genuinely appreciate our users’ feedback and are always striving to enhance our products based on your needs.

We understand that you believe timely review updates are crucial for customer trust and engagement on your site. Your detailed points have been heard, and we acknowledge the significance this feature holds for you and potentially other users as well.

However, as @Helga and our team have mentioned, implementing this change is not something we can achieve immediately due to technical constraints and the need to balance various aspects of our service. I assure you that our development team is continuously exploring ways to optimize and improve our offerings, including review update frequency.

While we may not have an immediate solution, please know that your feedback is valuable, and we are actively seeking ways to address your concerns. Additionally, we want to remind you that you always have the right to choose any provider that best meets your needs. If, at this moment, we are unfortunately unable to satisfy your requirements, you are free to select another provider.

I also want to kindly remind you to keep our forum a positive and productive space. Creating fake accounts, generating fake votes, using all caps, bold text, and excessive exclamation marks are against our community guidelines and do not contribute constructively to the discussion.

As soon as we have any information regarding the implementation timeline of this feature, we will be sure to reach out to you immediately. Reiterating the same request multiple times unfortunately does not make this task instantly achievable.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support! Have a great day!


I have just had a new client raise concerns that a recently given 5 star review is not (after 24 hours) showing up on the widget. This reflects badly on me for having recommended (and charged to implement) this solution. I am really very surprised at the delay in updates. I have the Pro version.


Hi @user14340, thank you for your comment!

I’m truly sorry to hear that you’re not satisfied with the current cache timing. I wish I could suggest at least a workaround, but unfortunately, we don’t have the technical capability to offer one at this time. We’re hoping to find a solution in the future, though :pray:t2:

Honestly, I think it is not reasonable for a client to expect reviews to show up instantly. A day or two of cache time works fine for all my clients.


Are you sure it’s 1-2 days? In reality, it takes 4 days, and that delay is really frustrating.


I guess that is a question for @Helga. How often do the reviews get updated?

The cache time is currently set to 72 hours — there may be a slight delay, but it typically shouldn’t take longer than that.

Thank you for your support, @Hugh!