There is only one thing, we are not happy with: The Google Review Widget takes long too load.
I’d like to suggest a caching feature. So you check once a day and add the current number of reviews, the rating to the front end - in a more “native manner”. So it is pulled right away from our own side (and not from elfsight), ensuring a fast user experience. It would be enough to update the exact value once a day.
Hi there, @user20245
Thanks for the idea! If this idea gets more votes, we’ll try to consider this opportunity in the future
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Dear , there’s already a similar request that has been around for almost a year. I kindly ask you to access it, leave your comment and wish there, and also please vote to show your interest.
Take a look here:
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Hi @George7
Thank you for the comment!
@user20245 suggested using the caching feature for rating and number of reviews to improve the widget loading speed. So, this idea is different from your request.
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