Language Translator (Translation widget for webpage)

Please add widget Button for translating webpages in many languages.It could be very very useful for customers worldwide!


Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 12

Original comment from Kayomarz Kapadia transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

Hello folks,

Thank you for the great idea!

We are happy to say that we have Website Translator as our Coming Soon widget which you can check here - Language Translator Widget - Embed Multilingual Features on Your Website (2024).

But if any ideas or thoughts regarding possible features and options come up, please don’t hesitate to share them in the comments here. Your feedback will be tremendously helpful for our developers to make the widget suitable for your needs as much as possible.

Thank you! :blush:


Original comment from allan faure transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

Original comment from Floriana Henocq transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

Hi Floriana,

Thanks for your comment!

Unfortunately, I’m not able to set an ETA for this widget release as everything depends on our dev team’s overall load. My apologies for the inconvenience!

Thank you very much for the idea with testing our upcoming widget - we’ll think it over and make sure to contact you :slight_smile:

Thank you for your understanding!

Best regards,

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Original comment from Floriana Henocq transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

Dear Floriana,

Thank you for your kind words! We also think that Translation widget will be a great addition for our widget collection, and we’re working hard to give it a life as soon as possible :slight_smile:

I understand your concern and I wish I could provide the detials regarding the widget, however, due to a heavy workload we didn’t have a chance to start building this very widget, unfortunately. We’ll try the best we can to make it work on all platforms possible, including Google Sites.

Thank you very much for your patience, we’re making every effort to release new widgets as soon as we can.


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Original comment from Mike Neilson transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

Hi Mike,

Thanks a lot for your comment!

I’m really sorry that this widget hasn’t been released yet. I assure you that we’re trying our hardest to implement new features and release new widgets, however, unfortunately, we have to sort out our priorities, as there are a lot of urgent cases for our dev team to deal with.

It doesn’t mean that other requests will be forgotten, we surely will do the best we can to release new functionality for you :slight_smile:

We’re also thinking about starting providing access to new widgets/features within BETA program, and we’ll make sure to contact you as soon as we have it gone live.

Thanks a lot for your willingness to help!

Helga, Community Manager

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Original comment from Adrian Alvarez transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

Original comment transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

User request for stylable Website Language Translation Dropdown App. This is a big service gap in your otherwise complete menu of widget offerings. Please consider implementing one for the community. Thanks!

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@ComfortzonesComm yeah, I cannot but agree that such a widget is a must and we have to simply things for an end-user as much as possible.

We have this app in our Coming Soon section and we’ve got plans to start developing new widgets next year, hopefully, Translation widget will be among them :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for your comment, it does help us a lot!

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Any updates on an ETA for this feature? I’ll have to go with Weglot or Localize if we can’t pull the trigger soon.

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@Brennan the odds are that this app will be considered to be released this year, but I’m afraid, it will not happen in the near future :frowning: I would say 3–4 months is the shortest possible timeline for the development and release process.

Hi Helga,
any ETA for this widget please ?


Hi @Jean-Francois, welcome to the Elfsight community, and thank you for your interest!

I’m afraid we haven’t confirmed the list of the apps to be released this year нуе, but the Translation app is definitely should be considered as well. I would say 3–4 months is the shortest possible timeline for the development and release process.

Anyways, I’ll keep you updated on the progress here :slight_smile:

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A Language Translation widget for website developers would be a really welcome addition to Elfsight’s offerings. It would be extremely useful to many of your users. Please consider implementing!