Inability of collecting new reviews

Dear friends,

We bring our sincere apologies for the interruption in our Reviews widgets work on the behalf of our entire team.

Unfortunately, we have to admit that our Reviews are experiencing some issues with data collecting which has led to some unpleasant consequences such as inability of collecting reviews.

We realize the urgency of the situation and frustration it brings to our customers. I assure you that our development team is now working on a fix that should eliminate all errors.

After the fix is ready, I will get back to you with the updates.

Thank you for your patience and understanding :pray:

  • Issue description:
    We’ve set up everything correctly, but we’re stuck at “The reviews are being collected, please wait for a few minutes.”

  • Link to the page with the widget in question:
    Elfsight Apps

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Hi @user2194 and welcome to Community!

I am so sorry about this inconvenience!

Unfortunately, at the moment, our Reviews are experiencing some technical issues.

Our devs are doing all their best to fix the issue is soon as possible.

I’ll keep you updated in this thread.

Thank you for sticking with us :pray:

Hello, i have the same problem, the business name is Gaetano Russo Barbiere,
adress Via Alessio Simmaco Mazzocchi, 83, 81055 Santa Maria Capua Vetere CE

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Greetings @LAZLO_PAN and welcome to Community :wave:

I am terribly sorry about all the frustration caused!

Unfortunately, at the moment, our Reviews are experiencing some technical issues.

Our devs are doing all their best to fix the issue is soon as possible.

I’ll keep you in the loop here.

Thank you for your patience and understanding :pray:

We’re now seeing duplicate entries in the Google reviews.

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@user2194 I’ve informed our devs about this issue too.

As for the collecting issue, we’ve fixed it for you. Could you please check it and let me know if all the reviews are collected on your side?

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@LAZLO_PAN We’ve fixed the issue for you!

Please check it and let me know if it’s working fine on your side :slightly_smiling_face:

Reviews are being collected, but we’re still seeing dupes

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Yes, I see and we are working on it.

I’ll immediately get back to you once I receive any news!

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Can we get an update here please? Thanks.

Thank you for waiting!

I’ve requested an update from our devs. The issue appeared to be quite complicated and our devs are doing all their best to find a proper solution as soon as possible.

Please accept my sincere apologies for all the frustration caused by this.

Thank you for your patience and understanding :pray:

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Just an update: this is still broken from our end. Thanks.

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Hi there @user2194

Thank you for waiting!

We’ve fixed the issue.

Could you please check it and let me know how it works?

fix confirmed, thank you!

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Hey guys :wave:

I am happy to say that the issue is fixed :tada:

All your widgets should be working fine :slightly_smiling_face:

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