Google reviews

Hello, I have a problem with google reviews. When I wrote my business name it’s saying “ no reviews found. Please make sure the source is correct, that it has reviews and that filter settings don’t exclude all the reviews.” But I’m sure I did everything right. Can you help me about this problem?

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Hi @Murathan, welcome to our forum!

I’m truly sorry about this issue, and I have to admit that our widget is experiencing a temporary technical glitch :frowning:

I see that you’ve opened a support ticket as well, our Support Team will take care of your request there and will provide assistance if you’ve got any questions.

I’ll also post an update here as soon as everything’s back to normal.

We’re very sorry for the inconvenience, and we’re doing everything possible to provide a fix soon! :pray:t2:

Hello friends, my apologies for the long wait!

The widget should work fine now, could you please let me know if everything’s fine on your end, too?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Google Reviews are not displayed