Google reviews not working properly. Displaying wrong Star rating! Bad rating!

  • Issue description:
    Our Google reviews have now changed the star rating. Yesterday was showing 4.7 (Our current rating) and now overnight it has updated to 4.0.
    Huge impact on conversion today already noticed. Down by 54%.
    Not great when you are spending 4k a day on Google ads…
    Tried to contact support but no luck yet…
    Why is it showing the wrong Star Rating? Clearly an issue with the Elf Sight system.
  • Link to the page with the widget in question:
    Face Masks & PPE [24-Hour Flash Sale]
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Everything is down and tanking! This needs to be fixed asap… massive immediate impacts to my sales… Big $…
What the hell is going on with your widgets? Been some massive issues over the last few months?
Time to look for some new apps I think.
Screen Shot 2022-12-02 at 10.28.49 am

Dear @Shane2, I’m so very sorry about this issue and this unfavourable outcome!

I do understand your frustration, and I’m extremely sorry that you have to experience this with our widget.

We’re aware of this issue and I assure you that our dev team are working on this as we speak. This task is our top priority now, and we’re doing everything possible to bring everything back shortly.

We found your support ticket, and our Support Specialist will contact you back as soon as the fixed has been applied.

Please let me bring my sincere apologies for all the inconvenience caused one more time :pray:t2:

Issue description:
Since yesterday it only shows a rating of 4.0 out of 5.0. However, my Google Revew rating is 4.9

I have tried to change every widget-setting and even tried to create new ones from scratch, but it always shows 4.0 and not 4.9.

I have turned off the widget for now, but left it active on one site, so you can have a look at it.

Link to the page with the widget in question:
Datenschutz -

And here you can see that its acutally 4.9: hausbaukurs - Google Search

I was wondering if anybody has ever had the same issue. I also contacted the support, but its weekend and they won’t answer before monday/tuesday so I am trying my luck here.

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Hi @Julian, I’m so sorry about this issue and all the trouble :frowning:

This issue is our top priority now, and we’re doing everything possible to bring everything back as soon as possible.

Our Support Specialist will keep you in the loop in your support ticket, and I’ll keep you updated here regarding the whole situation.

We’re so very sorry for any inconvenience caused :pray:t2:


Any update on this?

Hi Nigel!

I’m really sorry that the fixed haven’t been applied yet :frowning:

We’re still working on this, and we really hope to have everything resolved shortly. At least we’re making every endeavour to find a solution as soon as possible.

We’re extremely sorry for the delay, but I assure you that this issue is not abandoned :pray:t2:

Hi folks, thanks a lot for your patience!

The issue is fixed, so the rating should be displaying correctly now. I really hope everything’s fine on your end now :pray:t2:

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Elfsight’s google reviews rating is dfferent from my actual rating