Form Builder AI Generator improvements

Hi, when is the AI FORM GENERATOR widget coming out of Beta?

Any updates to share with us?

Any of the above suggestions for improving it been worked on

Look forward to hearing an update on this Nov 2024

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Hi @user18401, the AI form generator is already available in our Form Builder widget, and you’re welcome to test it out :slight_smile:

However, if you’re referring to the AI Chat Bot widget, we’re currently working on it, and you can find all the latest updates in this thread: Create app to add chat GPT to a website

Hi Helga, thanks for reply.

Yes I was talking about the Form Builder - I have tried it out but for example like when I use CHAT GPT - it allows to improve, tweak and in my understanding unless i’ve missed something you generate the form but then it does not allow you to tweak it etc - it generates a new form and it discards the one you have already made??


That’s why I was asking about any update on the AI FORM BUILDER.

Is there any plans for it to have a base template like you have for all the other forms & then start with the chosen one & then get AI to help you improve it even more if you need to.



Thank you, Oliver, got it! I’m afraid we didn’t work on the AI Generator specifically, so at the moment there is no option to tweak the current layout, unfortunately.

But you’re most welcome to suggest your ideas or request features on our Wishlist: Form Builder - Elfsight Community. We’re always happy to hear from you :slight_smile:

OK Helga, that’s a pity but thanks for the swift update


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