Don't Send Transcript if nothing said

Currently getting LOTS of transcripts of only the greeting and sign off. If nothing is said, or typed into the chat, send nothing.


Hi there, @Phil :wave:

Could you please send me a screenshot of such a conversation? Iā€™ll be happy to check it for you!

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Hi Max

We get lots like this, and I have been on contract with them for 6 months, and today is my last day, so Nicki is in CC who is also invited into my account to administer this AI chatbot. So,

ā€œI am a stallholderā€ OR

ā€œI am an event organiserā€

These are the ā€˜Quick Repliesā€™ as set in the system, and these help guide the AI to start conversations and stay on track based on two different user roles. The thing is, these seem to be clicked LOTS and then nothing else is said. So, the AI responds once, then the ā€˜Follow up messageā€™ is eventually said, and that is the returned transcript. We get mostly these and they really bring no meaning. If it was possible to mute these, so nothing is sent, that would be AMAZING. Only sending when a user has typed something into the chatbot. This is the ā€œEventaly AI Chatbotā€ in my account.


Got it, thanks! Iā€™ll check it with the devs and let you know if anything can be done :slightly_smiling_face:

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Unfortunately, there is no way to implement this logic now. I am really sorry!

Weā€™ll see for more feedback from the community and if this idea gets more votes, weā€™ll try to consider it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Max,

Could sending transcripts once per day be also an option? or, an easier-to-implement option?



Do you mean that all transcripts should be sent right away at the specific time?

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Yes, so it is a selectable option to have the transcripts batched to be sent at the same time, once per day. An additional option to what is there now. Or, options to send Twice per day, every 4 hours, every 6 hours, etc etc etc. So that it reduces the amount reaching inboxes.



Got it, thanks! Unfortunately, itā€™s impossible to implement this option as well. However, if more users support your suggestions, weā€™ll try to consider them in the future :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you Max, appreciate your help


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