Getting the AI Bot to access the right information

When providing new information to the ChatBot via the Add Files section the bot doesn’t seem to access this information easily. When I test the bot I have to tell it the answer is wrong and try again. My customers aren’t going to do that! When I update the instructions section to refer to my files it then uses this text in the answer which I also don’t want. We have put a lot of work in upgrading the bots training / knowledge so getting the right answers is critical.


Hi there, @Gavid_Vickers :wave:

I am really sorry that you’ve faced these difficulties!

Could you please provide me with the following info, so that our devs would check it?

  • questions you asked

  • the response of the bot

  • correct answer

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Thank you so much, @Gavid_Vickers!

I need to say that some liberties from AI might be unavoidable, but our devs are doing their best to minimize such cases. The best solution is to provide well-structured, clear and concise instructions.

I’ve checked your widget and see that in your instruction you’ve mentioned" You don’t have the information on the timings of specific sessions"

This is the reason why the bot didn’t provide the recommended times for the sessions first. If you remove this part from the instruction, the bot should take the info about recommended sessions from the uploaded files.

As for the 2nd case, the bot didn’t provide the link since you haven’t added it to the instructions.

I see that you’ve run out of the message limit now, and you don’t have the opportunity to test it out. However, once the limit is reset, please try to follow these recommendations and let me know if it helped :slightly_smiling_face:

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