Ability to edit base resonses

I saw some great requests, but I think it would be great to being able to edit some of the responses and requests.
For one I noticed that in many responses tells the visitor to visit the website for more answers… They are already there, that’s where they are chatting from. Another one is " I recommend contacting …company… directly. Just doesn’t look good as an answer. the chat is supposed to be part of the organization.

One other thing I am wondering about is how much info it collects initially. Doesn’t seem like a lot, because most of it is pretty generic and answers that are on site are not being brought up.

I think the other request for xml sitemap integration or URL based data scraping is a must have to make it a little smarter and the transfer to a human or assistance through a human would be perfect!

And what happens to the uploaded form if it can’t be used or doesn’t get applied?

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Happy to see you on our forum! Welcome, @Ates_Baydu :wave:

To help your assistant respond as desired, it’s important to upload relevant files, texts, and questions, and fine-tune the instructions.

I’ve checked your widget and noticed that your file hasn’t finished uploading yet (Training in Progress status). It looks like there was an issue on our end, and the devs recommend removing the file and uploading it again. Could you kindly give that a try?

Also, I see that you haven’t made any adjustments in the instruction, generated after the analysis of your website. If you’d like to set a specific tone or have any preferences for the assistant’s responses, share your requirements in the instruction:

Thus, the issue with the file upload and a general instruction are the reason why the bot provides generic responses.

Regarding the amount of data that can be collected, there’s a 100 MB limit for all AI Chatbot widgets in the account.

As for the uploaded form that can’t be used, do you mean the issue with the file uploading? If this is the case, please try to re-upload and let us know if it helped :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks Max!

Much better, guess I have to still play around with it to figure out how to get consecutive responses out of the AI to gather client info.

Thank you again, makes much more sense now!

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No problem!

If any questions come up, we’ll be delighted to help :wink: