Contact Form Broken Since Update

Since the update every time someone fills out the contact form i receive anywhere from 8-12 emails all the same.

Any chance you could launch the older version for those experiencing the same issue?

Edit: The issue is the submit button. It will send the message but not show any confirmation for the user.

Hi Fraser and welcome to the forum!

I’ll be happy to help with the issue you have faced.

You know, I’ve just tested your widget, and it seems everything worked just fine. I received one email and the OK button was there in the Thank You message.

Could you please let me know if it’s still an issue for you? If it is, could you please send me a screenshot of the issue you see?


Thanks for your reply.

I’m guessing you used chrome? I just tested and it worked on chrome. On firefox when you click the send button nothing happens visually, although the form is submitted.

Hi Fraser, my apologies for the long wait! I was on vacation, hence such a delay :pray:t2:

Our developers have looked into the issue, and this is what they have to say:

They’ve found out that the widget works incorrectly on your website only – they did several tests and everything worked just fine in different browsers. The reason for this might be the fact that the correct value of the “SameSite” attribute was not set. You can find out more about here: SameSite cookies - HTTP | MDN

Also, there is a recommendation to update the plugins marked by WordPress as abandoned, since they also might be the cause of the issue: 2FA Issues |

Please let me know if it helped or if you have other questions.