Calculator Status

Hi, I inquired about this widget back in January, I do not see it as an option in my available app’s. can you provide an update on the status of it?

Best Calculator widget for your website - simple and free [2023]



Hi Dave and welcome to the forum!

I totally understand your frustration, and I’m very sorry that we haven’t released the Calculator widget yet. You see, we had to postpone new widgets development for a while due to the urgent task – our whole Dashboard major update.

We’re at the final stage with testing and polishing things up, and when we present our new Dashboard to you, we’ll be happy to get back to making new widgets for you.

Meanwhile, you’re most welcome to vote for this widget request here: Calculator widget.

Please let me know if you have other questions!


when will the calculator widget be ready? You know the date?

Hi Piotr!

I’ve moved your post to the dedicated thread where we were discussing the Calculator widget.

Although, unfortunately, we don’t have an ETA yet, I do believe our dev team will be able to start working on this widget soon :pray:t2:

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@Helga Is there now any eta by chance?
I would need this right now (-:

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Welcome to the community, @Marius_Tyranowski!

Much as I’d love to tell you the good news, I’m afraid that Calculator is not expected to be released in coming months, I’m really sorry :frowning:

I’ll be happy to post an update as soon as I have any news regarding the development status :pray:t2: