Are we able to transfer widget ownership to client?

I want to transfer widget ownership to my client.

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Hi @Betty_Nur_Wahyuni, welcome to the community! :slight_smile:

For now, sharing access is available only within projects, i.e. you can share access to a whole projects and all the widgets it contains. You can read more about this here: [MAJOR UPDATE]: Introducing the Share Projects feature in your Dashboard! ⚡

Also, this post describes what projects are and how to use them: [HOT FEATURE]: Introducing PROJECTS in your Dashboard! ⚡

Let me know if you have other questions!

Thank you for the info Helga! But I wanted to check if I need to handover a website project and get the client to continue paying on their own, is that possible?

I see! It looks like you need to transfer the entire subscription so your client can continue managing it.

Could you please contact our Support Team and request this transfer? It seems there is a way to resolve the issue with the help of our support agents :slight_smile: