Advent calendar widget

You could create new widgets: Winning wheel and advent calendar


Hi @Jakub1 and thanks a lot for your suggestions!

You know, we already have a Prize Wheel app in our Wishlist, feel free to vote for it here: Prize Wheel!

As for the Advent Calendar, could you please elaborate on what exactly you’d love such a widget to do, and what features you’d love to see there?

For the holidays, where users can open one door of the advent calendar a day.

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Hi there, @Peter_Neuenegg :wave:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

We already have a similar idea on the Wishlist and I’ve added your comment there too. Could you please specify what functionality do you expect from this app, and what features are the most essential for you?

Hello, I would like to have an Advent calendar function as an app on my website. I’ve already tried it with the event calendar, but at the same time I can open all other days for December by clicking on a link, so that you can see all future discount campaigns or free items etc.

It would be great if this existed here

With best Regards,

Do I understand correctly that you’d like to display only one event on your website?

If I misunderstood you, could you kindly elaborate on your use case and specify what functionalities are missing in Event Calendar to meet your idea?

[quote=“Max, post:2, topic:25235, full:true”]
Hi Max,
that is amazing
how quick your response is. :star_struck:

The following requirement for the Advent calendar:
-Similar to the events calendar


  • every edited day should have the function that you can set the beginning (time & day) so that the previous day and the following days cannot be opened via a click link. Unfortunately I don’t have this function with the event calendar.
    I hope I explained it well

Warm regards,

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Thank you, I got your idea!

I am afraid, I can’t promise that this app will be definitely released. However, if this request gets more votes, we’ll try to consider it in our future updates :slightly_smiling_face:

An advent calendar would be a great widget during the holiday season.

It should look like an actual advent calendar (different designs or customization options would be preferred) with 1-24, and to better aid different businesses it could either be product specific (like a sale), guides, or competitions for customers.

For example something like this:

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Hi @Hauk_Marki

This suggestion already exists. You can vote for it


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Thank you for the suggestion, @Hauk_Marki!

Yes, it seems we already have a suggestion for the Advent Calendar widget, and I’ve moved yours to that thread :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help!