Youtube Gallery Widget only shows half in webflow

I embedded the widget code and while the width is accurate, the height only shows half of the widget (like it cuts it in half) and was wondering if some one has a solve for this. Any direction or info would be greatly appreciated.

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I think it should be some options in Webflow
When I checked Webflow code, I see this code

If I tried adding another code to override it

.social-section-ytwidget .html-embed-2 {
    height: auto !important;

then it shows fine


Hi @Doug_McKinnis and welcome to Community :wave:

Please try to add the code provided by @tuanphan to the Custom CSS field on the Appearance tab and let us know if it helped.

I’ve checked your website and don’t see the widget at the moment. If the issue still persists. please restore the widget or install it to the test page and we’ll gladly check it for you :wink:

Nope, but I’ve a problem where the widget ends before the form does, leaves off a bit… has a few picture picks.


@Shane_Bruce happy to see you on the forum! :wave:t2:

I see that my colleague Dasha has already contacted you back in your support ticket, but just in case I’ll duplicate the CSS code she provided:

[class*="WidgetBackground__ContentContainer-sc"] {
height: fit-content;

If you have any other questions, you’re most welcome :slight_smile:

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