Word Crawl

I want a word crawl in my site

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Hi there @Jared_Day :wave:

Thanks for sharing your idea with us!

Could you just describe how you are going to use this app and what features are the most essential for you? This would help us better understand what you are looking for :slightly_smiling_face:

We offer history videos. We would use a word crawl under our logo to advertise our different topic headings. Most valuable would be a feature that doesn’t have a low character count so we can fit all content needed onto the scroll line.

Thank you for the details, @Jared_Day! :+1:t2:

So it seems you need something along the lines of a ticker (scrolling text) where you can add the needed info, is it correct?

I guess we have a similar idea on our Wishlist: https://community.elfsight.com/t/news-ticker/14328. Do you think it reflects your idea?

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No. We do not need a live feed of football scores. We just need a word crawl

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Hi there, @Jared_Day :wave:

Please let me step in for Helga.

You’d like to have a ticker to show custom texts rather than news, right? If it is, the News Ticker request still should work for you.

However, if I misunderstood you, please elaborate on your idea :slightly_smiling_face: