Wishlist category: How to use it

Request new features and apps to help us improve our service!

Folks, this category is super important, as here weā€™re going to improve Elfsight together :slight_smile:

For your best convenience, Iā€™m giving a brief instruction on how to share your suggestions and vote for other ideas in our Wishlist.

  1. Go to the Wishlist category

  2. Choose the corresponding subcategory on the sidebar

  3. Click on ā€˜New Topicā€™ button and describe your idea :slight_smile:

Canā€™t wait to discuss the options with you!

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Event Widget updates requested. As a Performing Arts Center, we have multiple performances of the same event. It would be nice to list the exact dates and times for the event without having the event repeat 7 times on the grid or view. Additionally, (in the grid style) an option to align the event listings to the center of the browser window for desktop. Currently, if you have three or so events listed (our highlights), the listings align to the left and can leave blank space on the right of the screen.

Iā€™m not sure I put this in the right spot lol If not, my apologies!


Job Board Request

  • Really need a date posted option and/or real time feature (ie 6 hours ago, 14 days ago, etc)
  • Really need the ability to search the options by title, company, skills

@user940 thanks a lot for your suggestions and welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

Your ideas sound really great, I was happy to add them to the corresponding category :slight_smile:

Please make sure to vote for them to make them more popular, thus more urgent: Multiple performances of the same event and Align the event listings to the center (grid layout)

Thanks a lot for your help!

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@user941 happy to welcome you on our forum, and thanks a lot for adding your ideas! :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve moved them to the corresponding category, so make sure to vote for them :slight_smile:

Date posted option
Keyword Search

Thanks again for your help!

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