Widgets Missing after Upgrade

I upgraded my account today to the new Pro Plan, I was previously on a legacy pricing plan. While I wish the old pricing options were still available, I’m creating this post because now I have multiple missing widgets from my account. I manage a number of client websites, and pages with previously created widgets are now blank, because my widgets are no longer in my account.

Here’s a couple examples of pages that I’ve had running for a long time with the widget code embedded, and these custom widgets can no longer be found anywhere in my account and thus are not visible on the sites.

The custom created widgets that are missing in my account are from the following apps:
Photo Gallery
Team Showcase

Is there any way to get these widgets back? I need to fix my client’s websites as soon as possible.

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Hello @Braden! We are so happy to see you in our fast-growing Community! Welcome :heart: :tada:

Unfortunately, due to the technical glitch on our side, your widgets got deactivated after upgrade.

I’m so very sorry about this frustrating situation :pensive: I totally understand how you feel. Please accept my sincere apologies!

We’ve fixed the issue and your widgets are active now:

Could you please check it and let me know if everything is fine?

Thank you so much! Everything looks to be back. I really appreciate the quick response and fix!


@Braden You are always very welcome :raised_hands:

@Max - we have the same problem 4/5 widgets missing after upgrading to premium plan.

@Jack5 We are thrilled to have you aboard! Welcome to Elfsight Community :tada:

I am so sorry about this inconvenience!

I’ve activated the widgets and everything should be fine now :slightly_smiling_face:

Please check the widgets and let me know how they work.