I’ve talked to the devs and that’s what they said:
Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent the notification from being indexed by Google if the “Show Notification in the browser tab” setting is enabled. I am really sorry! I’ve added your idea to the Wishlist and we’ll try our best to consider it in our future updates - Prevent the notification from notification if the "Show Notification in the browser tab" is enabled
To improve the page loading speed, please replace your widget’s installation code with this script:
const DELAY = 2000;
const currentScript = document.currentScript;
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
'<div class="elfsight-app-c55130ab-9b4b-433d-9b77-f7ad9863e196"></div>'
}, DELAY);
Please try it out and let me know if it helped