Whatsapp chat app plugin slow wordpress dashboard

Dear Everyone,

I noticed since a week that my dashboard wordpress is slow, like reaaaaly slow. I turn’d off the plugin and everything works normale fast and if i turn it on its again slow.

Can someone please help me or relate with the same problem.

Kind regards,

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Hello @David_Renue !

It’s really great to see you on our forum, I hope you will find this space useful :slight_smile:

I however have to mention that this forum is dedicated to Elfsight cloud apps, thus we can assist with only cloud apps-related questions here. If I understood you correctly, you’re using our WP standalone plugin, which looks and works differently.

I advise you to ask your question via our CodeCanyon form, our team will try their best to provide the answers there :raised_hands:t2:

O oke sorry. Please close this one. thank u.

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No problem :wink: