Website translator mobile display issue

Fast and sweet on desktop. I love it. Bad on phone as the drop-down languages fall behind site text. Needs a white background in the drop-down frame, not clear. I’ll buy it as soon as this happens. Thanks. phillip

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Hi there @user8096 :wave:

Glad to hear that you love the new app! Thank you for the feedback :heart:

As for the issue, we’ve fixed it by adding this code to the Custom CSS field on the Settings tab of your widget’s settings:

.global-styles, .stack:has(.elfsight-app-bf689d12-a529-4adb-a126-931875a4863f) {
  z-index: 2;

Check it out and let me know if you like the result :wink:

G’Day Max

I have added the code to the CSS field in Widget’s settings, but it has made no diference to the phone behaviour.

It is beautiful on the desktop and the iPad, but not phone …

Here is a phone screenshot to show my issue … the dropdown is behind page text

Warm regards



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Hi @user8096 :wave:

I am so sorry about that! There was an issue with the z-index of the widget’s container and we resolved it by adding this code to the Custom JS field on the Settings tab of your widget’s settings:

const widgetBlock = document.querySelector(
const container = widgetBlock.closest('.block_content_container');
if (container) { = '999999';

Check your website and let me know if it’s fine now :slightly_smiling_face:


Still getting this on my iPhone, but I will buy the app today because you have shown you care enough to fine-tune it.

My link is if you want to check it as you work on the code.

I appreciate all you are doing.


‘Journalism captures the first frame of history*’*

App purchased, thank you.

I absolutely love it and can’t wait for the phone fix. We are the first Chiropractic science journal to be designed for mobile consumption by smart phone, so you can imagine how much we appreciate this new functionality.

Interesting, it works perfectly on the iPad with current iPadOS.




‘Journalism captures the first frame of history*’*

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@user8096 Happy to hear that you enjoy the app! Thank you for the feedback :wink:

We’ve slightly adjusted the code I’ve shared yesterday and now everything should be working fine:

const widgetBlock = document.querySelector(
const container = widgetBlock.closest('.block_content_container');
if (container) { = '999999';

const nextColumn = container.closest(".column")?.nextSibling;
if (nextColumn) { = '1';

Could you please check the widget and let me know if it’s fine on your end now?

You are brilliant.

Thank you so much. I am grateful.


‘Journalism captures the first frame of history*’*


Great! You are always welcome :wink: