Usage statistics per widget

Seems only logical to show stats per widget… need to know what’s working and not… to see which is getting more views vs clicks

Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 7

Would be very useful for clients to be given stats of sliders, photo galleries, etc. At the moment stats are only available for an entire application.

Can we be given a date this could happen?

I asked about this 2 years ago, with a ’ Great Idea, will get the developers on it’

Hello Paul!

I absolutely agree that statistic should be given for your each widget, and I’m extremely sorry that we’ve made our users to wait for that long :pensive:

The good news is that this feature is already included in our new Dashboard, which we’re actively testing these days. If you’d love to join our beta-testers group, we would be absolutely happy to hear your feedback on this feature :slight_smile:

I would like to see the Statistics broken down more, so for example in Photo Gallery, every widget we have created has separate Statistics available and not just for the combined widgets

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@Paul I know how long you’ve been waiting for this option! I’m really sorry that it’s taking us so long to make it happen :frowning:

The good news is that this option is already available in our new Dashboard, so you’ll be able to check it out as soon as we’ve released it :slight_smile:

We’re doing everything possible to release it during this Q1. Anyways, we’ll keep you updated.

Thanks a lot for your comment!

Please let me know when its released, thanks

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Sure thing, I’ll make sure to let you know in this thread :slight_smile:

Hi everyone :wave:t2:

I guess I finally have some good news for you!

Usage statistics per widget option is now released in our new Dashboard, and it will be available for all the users as soon as we transfer them to the new dashboard :tada:

It’s going to be a gradual process, but if you want to move to the new dashboard sooner, feel free to contact our Support Team, they will be delighted to assist :slight_smile:

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That’s very helpful @Helga!

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Good news!
When will we all be moved to the new dashboard? Should we wait or contact support?

Hi Paul, great you love the news!

Of course all uses will be moved, but the process might take time, it could be a couple of months, to be honest.

Thus, if you feel like moving to the new dashboard in the near future, feel welcome to contact our support team :slightly_smiling_face:

Still not seeing ANY stats, let alone the individual items!! This thread has been going on Years… :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: lol

Hi @Paul :wave:

I’d like to let you know that you can check views statistics right in your dashboard. Just click on the views panel in the right upper corner and then you’ll view statistics per widget:

If it’s not what you are looking for, please elaborate on your use case and we’ll gladly check it for you :slightly_smiling_face:

Brilliant! Thanks


You are always welcome :raised_hands: