Twitter widget shows only first 2 tweets and there is no "Load more" button

  • Issue description:
    Why is it only showing the first 2 tweets? I have configured it to filter by Tweets and set the number to 99 - but it just shows the first 2 tweets, also there is no “Load More” Button - is this the correct behavior or is there a bug?

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Hi there, @Oliver6 :wave:

I am sorry to say that the number of tweets to display is limited to 10.

Among 10 latest tweets, there are only 2 posts and others are replies/retweets. You’ve set the filter to show tweets only, this is why you see only 2 posts. If you enable, Retweets and Replies, 10 posts will be displayed in the feed:

Unfortunately, due to high pricing and strict limitations imposed by Twitter, we are not able to increase this limit at the moment.

We understand that this is not ideal, and we are looking for ways to increase the number of displayed posts in the future.

Let me know if this clarifies the situation or if you have any questions left :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah and sadly I see it only refresh every 5 days but I need this for a news feed sadly. Still thank you for taking a look at it.

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Yes, the cache time for the Twitter Feed is 120 hours.

I am really sorry about the long refreshment time, but unfortunately, due to some technical restrictions, we cannot reduce it now.

We’re hoping to reduce the cache time in our future updates, but so far we don’t have a specific timeline.

If you have any questions or assistance is needed, feel free to contact us here. We’ll be delighted to help :wink: