Twitter widget isn't showing the latest tweets

Facing two major issues in the Twitter feed widget:

  1. Showing the old tweets only (till Sep 18). It should update once we post any new tweet.
  2. Shows only one tweet on mobile, but it should show scroll effect. So user can scroll and see the different tweets.

Hi there and welcome to the Community, @Muhammad_Saif_ur_Reh :wave:

The new posts don’t appear in the widget right away because of the cache. Our widget uses cache to make it load faster and to reduce the server load. So, the cache time for any paid plans is 120 hours.

I apologize for the long refreshment time, but unfortunately, due to some technical restrictions, we cannot reduce it now. We’re hoping to reduce the cache time in our future updates, but so far we don’t have a specific timeline.

If it’s been more than 120 hours and the new posts still haven’t been pulled, please let me know. I’ll be happy to look into this for you!

As for the mobile display, I see that my colleague Viktoria has passed your request to the devs. They are investigating the issue and I’ll update you here as soon as any news comes up :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi there, @Muhammad_Saif_ur_Reh :wave:

I see that my colleague Elena has already informed you in a support ticket that the issue has been fixed. Our devs have uses this code in the Custom CSS field on the Style tab of your widget’s settings:

.chat-pop-up:not(.chat-visible) {
  z-index: -1 !important;

and what about the cache time? its still showing the old tweets.

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Hi there, @Muhammad_Saif_ur_Reh :wave:

I apologize for this inconvenience!

I’ve forwarded this issue to the devs and will get back to you tomorrow :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey there, @Muhammad_Saif_ur_Reh :wave:

We’ll investigate this issue further. I’ll keep you updated!

Hi there, @Muhammad_Saif_ur_Reh :wave:

Thank you for waiting!

I am sorry to say that we’re currently experiencing issues with the Twitter API, which is causing this refreshment delay. I’m terribly sorry :pensive:

Your widget will update on October, 10. We apologize for the inconvenience, but there’s currently no way to expedite the tweets update.

Please let me know if this explains things or if you have any further questions. I’ll be delighted to help!